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Primary Directive - draft 1
Kill Switch
This is a start. ...updated May/03/22
(draft 1 part a)
of the Primary Directive
Founded upon the principle of open-source spiritual intelligence.
The need for a secure kill switch in the event ai becomes a weapon for enslaving humanity to serve the machines, may be a good idea.
Because climate mitigation is now possible via reusable rockets and Graphene lightweight solar shades in orbit we should have time to limit the harm from climate change, and slowly reduce the sea level rise.
I came up with a simple idea to unite lots of micro groups to improve the volume of the voice of our 99% for change in the new economy.
My first attempt failed, because
A: it was attacked by the fossil fuel investors and the CIA,
B: I could not convince people it was not a plan to enrich
myself or some clever scheme to take over the world. lol
C: I do not have the skills to develop it to the level of professionalism it deserves.
D: I was slow to climb out of the dark depression that took me to the
gates of delirium.
I couldn't give up, I had to act, The ever growing list of scientist smashing the button tells me we need your few minutes to add weight to the call and you will be rewarded.
The simple solution came as a insight. (add 2 friends)
to the local p2tp node, hub page, came to me as I struggled with the idea that we
are warming the earth to dangerous levels.
Are you with me? I can't relax like a spectator, and watch as humanity drives off a cliff the Coral Reef
is bleached to death by warming acidic oceans and climate warming denialist attack
on environment truth groups.
People can use this opportunity to get their very own local Fee-less
Pledge 2 the Planet group at which later morphed
into a larger concept,
We kept the site but added a sister site to drive our
global democracy revolution, via smart contract and Organic real person nodes.
Your free URL will be worth a lot in a few years, I proved this with
(check this in a private window but refresh the page after it loads, so it shows the website age of the valuation will not be correct.
Join the Fee-Less P2TP GroupsStartup network create your own node
with drag and drop simplicity. See How It Works
Easy to use page creation tools are getting better and free to use.
Now anyone can be a publisher, webmaster or page creator without
any coding knowledge.
Many people who love nature and animals are looking for groups like this.
R U on our side?
We honor you by sharing 100% of the groups after cost
revenue with early birds (limits 22 per group).
We are all in this together. we do have solutions to the
warming crisis but competing interests political and
religious have been exposed intentionally muddying the waters.
When the motive is to give the people back their democratic
power all should be good, right? however the target audience is
skeptical and on high alert for scams. Many skeptics are high
on main stream television Hollywood action and all that.
We don't ask for money. and we share all profit.
It cost very little to host a website and editing a page is now child's play.
What may convince more people that it's all good (so to speak),
is the fact that after more than 30 years of researching I have repaired The old secret.
The damage is undone and now as more people learn to locate the keys in the heart they then awaken to the higher truth knowledge, the light of intelligence that comes from inner illumination with high heart iQ.
the new knowledge is shared about.
The Truth and light that noted author Helen Keller talked about. is easy 2
find as is this Krishnamurti Quote, see image ...
Helen Keller was the first deaf and blind person to earn a college arts degree.
Do we know what the light of Intelligence is? I like to call it high heart iQ.
The idea of small local groups came to me after seeing the massive growth in coaching services. It was the right time to give away the super coaching tools, to allow people to make a difference in their life and in the local community.
All possible. now that we have
and this blog The Primary Directive
Where we show visitors how easy it has become to design a good group and give it a web presence. It isn't a replacement for FB I would say more like a supplement ad on for your growing network of truthers small business owners and artist' .
Understanding how it works is really simple, it works through the power of small local groups. Start or join one near you today.
You are building a strong base for your social network when you have a few special friends in your local group. I ask my friends if they are working on the solution and adding 2 friends. It is not going to happen unless we are willing to commit to action until 2 friends have taken the pledge.
The power of multiplication is the secret to growth 1 just adds 2 friends, which then becomes 4 then 8... 16... 32.. 64... 128... 256... 512... 1024 after 20 iterations like so the total is over 1 Million Try it on the calculator 1 X 2= some will multply the result again if you press = continually.
Have a look and tell me what you think? cheers. Am I still dreaming? or is the idea innovation?
Quantum think switching
As a mentor of long standing in the local community, I often get questions from friends wanting answers, or just a quick solution to a difficulty they may be having.
I always refer them to the same page... The Old Secret repaired , once unlocked the quantum think switch in your life, is activated, and most problems are quickly resolved, and truth becomes easy to find.
The warning is in there for those unable to conceive of a deeper understanding in the world of higher thought patterns, and to the simplicity key for opening up our deeper imaginings.
Into the solution circle
We are the collective, and as individuals of all persuasions we hold many differing beliefs, both political and religious. We are not a political party nor an independent however you're voting for the collective when you add a friend to the group.
When you want to see some action on an issue, ask yourself if your power is being counted in the local P2TP group?
Put your vote power to good use :-)
let's get some democratic sanity into the debate. more...
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Primary Directive - draft 1
Kill Switch
This is a start. ...updated May/03/22
(draft 1 part a)
of the Primary Directive
Founded upon the principle of open-source spiritual intelligence.
The need for a secure kill switch in the event ai becomes a weapon for enslaving humanity to serve the machines, may be a good idea.
Because climate mitigation is now possible via reusable rockets and Graphene lightweight solar shades in orbit we should have time to limit the harm from climate change, and slowly reduce the sea level rise.
I came up with a simple idea to unite lots of micro groups to improve the volume of the voice of our 99% for change in the new economy.
My first attempt failed, because
A: it was attacked by the fossil fuel investors and the CIA,
B: I could not convince people it was not a plan to enrich
myself or some clever scheme to take over the world. lol
C: I do not have the skills to develop it to the level of professionalism it deserves.
D: I was slow to climb out of the dark depression that took me to the
gates of delirium.
I couldn't give up, I had to act, The ever growing list of scientist smashing the button tells me we need your few minutes to add weight to the call and you will be rewarded.
The simple solution came as a insight. (add 2 friends)
to the local p2tp node, hub page, came to me as I struggled with the idea that we
are warming the earth to dangerous levels.
Are you with me? I can't relax like a spectator, and watch as humanity drives off a cliff the Coral Reef
is bleached to death by warming acidic oceans and climate warming denialist attack
on environment truth groups.
People can use this opportunity to get their very own local Fee-less
Pledge 2 the Planet group at which later morphed
into a larger concept,
We kept the site but added a sister site to drive our
global democracy revolution, via smart contract and Organic real person nodes.
Your free URL will be worth a lot in a few years, I proved this with
(check this in a private window but refresh the page after it loads, so it shows the website age of the valuation will not be correct.
Join the Fee-Less P2TP GroupsStartup network create your own node
with drag and drop simplicity. See How It Works
Easy to use page creation tools are getting better and free to use.
Now anyone can be a publisher, webmaster or page creator without
any coding knowledge.
Many people who love nature and animals are looking for groups like this.
R U on our side?
We honor you by sharing 100% of the groups after cost
revenue with early birds (limits 22 per group).
We are all in this together. we do have solutions to the
warming crisis but competing interests political and
religious have been exposed intentionally muddying the waters.
When the motive is to give the people back their democratic
power all should be good, right? however the target audience is
skeptical and on high alert for scams. Many skeptics are high
on main stream television Hollywood action and all that.
We don't ask for money. and we share all profit.
It cost very little to host a website and editing a page is now child's play.
What may convince more people that it's all good (so to speak),
is the fact that after more than 30 years of researching I have repaired The old secret.
The damage is undone and now as more people learn to locate the keys in the heart they then awaken to the higher truth knowledge, the light of intelligence that comes from inner illumination with high heart iQ.
the new knowledge is shared about.
The Truth and light that noted author Helen Keller talked about. is easy 2
find as is this Krishnamurti Quote, see image ...
Helen Keller was the first deaf and blind person to earn a college arts degree.
Do we know what the light of Intelligence is? I like to call it high heart iQ.
The idea of small local groups came to me after seeing the massive growth in coaching services. It was the right time to give away the super coaching tools, to allow people to make a difference in their life and in the local community.
All possible. now that we have
and this blog The Primary Directive
Where we show visitors how easy it has become to design a good group and give it a web presence. It isn't a replacement for FB I would say more like a supplement ad on for your growing network of truthers small business owners and artist' .
Understanding how it works is really simple, it works through the power of small local groups. Start or join one near you today.
You are building a strong base for your social network when you have a few special friends in your local group. I ask my friends if they are working on the solution and adding 2 friends. It is not going to happen unless we are willing to commit to action until 2 friends have taken the pledge.
The power of multiplication is the secret to growth 1 just adds 2 friends, which then becomes 4 then 8... 16... 32.. 64... 128... 256... 512... 1024 after 20 iterations like so the total is over 1 Million Try it on the calculator 1 X 2= some will multply the result again if you press = continually.
Have a look and tell me what you think? cheers. Am I still dreaming? or is the idea innovation?
Quantum think switching
As a mentor of long standing in the local community, I often get questions from friends wanting answers, or just a quick solution to a difficulty they may be having.
I always refer them to the same page... The Old Secret repaired , once unlocked the quantum think switch in your life, is activated, and most problems are quickly resolved, and truth becomes easy to find.
The warning is in there for those unable to conceive of a deeper understanding in the world of higher thought patterns, and to the simplicity key for opening up our deeper imaginings.
Into the solution circle
We are the collective, and as individuals of all persuasions we hold many differing beliefs, both political and religious. We are not a political party nor an independent however you're voting for the collective when you add a friend to the group.
When you want to see some action on an issue, ask yourself if your power is being counted in the local P2TP group?
Put your vote power to good use :-)
let's get some democratic sanity into the debate. more...
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